Creating Folders
There are several ways to create a folder:
- choose
- click the down arrow beside the New button in the Reports Explorer toolbar and choose Folder from the menu that appears
- right-click anywhere in the Reports Explorer and choose New Folder from the shortcut menu.
The New Folder dialog appears.
This dialog has the following options:
Folder name: the name of the folder. If you enter the name of an existing folder, an error message displays. Certain characters aren't allowed in folder names, specifically "/", "\", ":", ".", "*", "?", "<", ">", "|", "!", and the double-quote; the computer will beep if you press any of these characters. You cannot save the folder until you have entered a valid folder name.
Folder location: a folder can be either a top-level folder or a sub-folder of another folder. The name of currently selected folder displays as the folder the new folder is a sub-folder of.
Available groups: this shows which user groups do not have access to this folder.
Selected groups: this shows which user groups have access to this folder. By default, the Everyone group has access to a new folder, so all users can see it. If you want only certain users to see it, remove the Everyone group from the Selected list and add the appropriate groups from the Available list.
Add: clicking this button adds the selected group in the Available list to the Selected list. You can also add the group by double-clicking it in the Available list, selecting it and pressing Enter, or dragging the group from the Available list to the Selected list. The group is removed from the Available list.
Add all: clicking this button adds all groups from the Available list to the Selected list.
Remove: clicking this button removes the selected group from the Selected list. You can also remove the group by selecting it and pressing Enter, or dragging the group from the Selected list to the Available list. The group is added to the Available list.
Remove all: clicking this button removes all groups from the Selected list, and adds them to the Available list.
Give at least one group access to the folder or it won't be available for anyone.
Once you finish selecting the options for the new folder, click OK to create the folder. Click the Cancel button to cancel creating the new folder.
Editing Folder Security
To edit the security settings of a folder, select the folder in the Reports Explorer and do one of the following:
- choose
- click the Edit button in the Reports Explorer toolbar
- right-click anywhere in the Reports Explorer and choose Edit from the shortcut menu.
The Edit Folder dialog appears.
The Edit Folder dialog has the same options as the New Folder (above).
You cannot edit someone else's Favorites folder.