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Report Wizard Menu

This page provides information on the functions that appear in the various menus in Student Manager Report Wizard.

File Menu

Many of the functions in the File menu act the same as clicking the equivalent button in the toolbar of the Reports Explorer. For example, the Edit function in the menu is the same as the Edit button in the toolbar.

The following functions appear in the File menu:

  • New Report: this function creates a new report. The shortcut key for this function is CTRL+N.

  • New Folder: this function creates a new folder.

  • Copy: copies] the selected report.

  • Edit: edits the selected report. The shortcut key for this function is CTRL+E.

  • Rename: allows you to rename the selected report or folder. A box appears around the report or folder name and you can type a new name. Press Enter to save the new name or Esc to cancel any changes. The shortcut key for this function is F2, the same shortcut key used in Windows Explorer to rename a file.

  • Delete: deletes the selected report or folder.

  • Refresh Reports List: if someone else on your network adds, renames, or removes a report, that change won't appear in your list until the next time you run Student Manager Reports. To update your list immediately without having to exit and restart, select this function. The shortcut key for this function is F5, the same shortcut key used in Windows Explorer to refresh its list.

  • Import Reports: this function allows you to import a report someone else created to your list of reports.

  • Export Selected Report: this function allows you to export a report so you can send it to someone else.

  • Export Reports: use this function to export some or all reports at once.

  • Preview: previews the selected report on the screen.

  • Print: prints the selected report. The shortcut key for this function is CTRL+P.

  • Print Setup: displays the Printer dialog, from which you can select the desired printer to send reports to.

  • Exit: exits Student Manager Report Wizard.

Edit Menu

The functions in the Edit menu act like they do in other Windows applications. They are only available when you are editing text in a text box. The functions are:

  • Undo: undoes any changes made when typing text in a text box. The shortcut key for this function is CTRL+Z.

  • Redo: reapplies any changes made when typing text in a text box. The shortcut key for this function is CTRL+R.

  • Cut: places the selected text on the Windows clipboard and removes it from the text box. The shortcut key for this function is CTRL+X.

  • Copy: places the selected text on the Windows clipboard but doesn't remove it from the text box. The shortcut key for this function is CTRL+C.

  • Paste: places the contents of the Windows clipboard at the insertion point in the text box. The shortcut key for this function is CTRL+V.

  • Clear: removes the selected text from the text box and does not place it on the Windows clipboard.

  • Select All: selects all text in the text box. The shortcut key for this function is CTRL+A.

Tools Menu

The Tools menu provides infrequently used functions. These functions are:

  • Change Password: this function allows you to change your password.

  • Maintain Users and Groups: this function is used by an administrator to add, edit, or delete users authorized to access Student Manager Reports and define what groups each user belongs to. Groups are an essential part of the security system in Student Manager Reports.

  • Display Logged in Users: this function displays a list of those users currently logged into Student Manager Reports

  • License Manager: this function is used by an administrator to manage Student Manager Reports licenses.

  • Schedule Report: this function allows you to schedule the selected report so it runs automatically at a particular time.

The scheduler is not available if you are running Student Manager Reports on Citrix, you are not an advanced user, or you do not have an Ultimate license.

  • Scheduled Tasks: this function displays the Scheduled Tasks dialog, which allows you to display the status of your scheduled reports, including last run date and result, and edit or delete schedules.

This function is not available if you are running Student Manager Reports on Citrix or if you do not have an Ultimate license.

  • Template Editor: this function allows you to create, edit, delete, import, and export report templates.

This function is only available if you have a Premium or Ultimate license.

  • Formulas: this function brings up the Formulas dialog.

    This function is only available if you have a Pro, Premium, or Ultimate license.

  • Import Email Addresses: use this function to import email addresses from other applications such as Microsoft Outlook for use when emailing reports.

  • Check New or Updated Sample Reports: this function, which only appears if sample reports are available, identifies sample reports that don't appear in the Reports Explorer or have been updated from the ones you have and allows you to select which ones to import.

  • Usage Reporting: Student Manager Reports keeps statistics on who ran what report when. This function, which is only available for Administrators and only if you haven't turned it off, allows you to create and run reports on the statistical data so, for example, you can determine which reports aren't used very often.

    This function is only available if you have an Ultimate license.

  • Find Reports: this function allows you to find reports using a variety of criteria.

  • Options: this allows you to configure Student Manager Report Wizard so it works properly for you.

Help Menu

The functions in the Help menu provide help information for Student Manager Reports. These functions are:

  • Help Topics: displays help for Student Manager Reports. The shortcut key for this function is F1.

  • Technical Support: displays information about how to obtain technical support for Student Manager Report Wizard.

  • Support Center on the Web: navigates your browser to the support center Website.

  • Check for Updates: checks our server to see if a newer version is available. If so, a dialog showing some of the new features displays. If your software maintenance is current, you have the option of downloading and installing this version. If your software maintenance has lapsed, you do not have this ability.

  • About Student Manager Report Wizard: displays the About Student Manager Report Wizard dialog. This dialog shows information about Student Manager Reports, including the version number, number of licenses, and information that may help our technical support staff, such as where Student Manager Reports is installed and the selected database. There are also links you can click to send an email to our technical support staff, to navigate your browser to our Web site, or to copy the serial number to the Windows clipboard. You can copy the settings shown in this dialog to the Windows clipboard by clicking the Copy Settings link; this is handy for sending information to our technical support staff. You can also click the blue items in the list of settings to display the contents of that directory.