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Report Area Guide ​

Listing of each report area in the Reports menu with the report area name, tables the report accesses, and query designation.

  • Tables with the * designation - fields are only included if your query references the table. For example, fields from Grouping aren't included in the Income & Enrollment Summary report unless your query includes a reference to the Grouping table (e.g. Grouping Code contains element).
  • Fields in Table – only selected fields are included in most reports. E.g. only the instructor last name, first name and ID fields are included in Room Use reports. If you want to display a field that is not included in the report, you must use a report function.

Accounting ​

Cash Box > Receipt ListingAugusta1Names, Course, Crseudfs, PayNone
Cash Box > Refund ListingAugusta2Names, Course, Crseudfs, PayNone
Cash Box ReconciliationAugusta3Names, Course, Crseudfs, PayNone
Daily Income X Source (by Date)DaiincCourse, Names, Pay, RegisterBF
Daily Income X Source (by Course)DaiinccCourse, Names, Pay, RegisterBF
Income & Enrollment SummaryEnrincCourse, Grouping*BC
Income Detail By RegistrantIncregCourse, Names, Regfees, Pay, RegisterBE
Gift CardsGiftcardCourse, Names, Register, Pay, GiftcardBG
Special 1 Reg/1 LineDeadbeatCourse, Location, Names, Nameudfs, Register, Crseudfs*CE

Demographics ​

Names (with Codes)NamewcdcNames, Firm, Nameudfs, NamecodeAB
Names (with Registrations)NamewrgCourse, Names, Nameudfs, Register, RegFeesAC
CRM InfoNamecrmNames, CRM, Firm, CourseAM
Mailing LabelsLabelNames, Firm, Nameudfs, Course*, Register*, Testing*AH
Firms (include Employees)FirmwemFirm, Names, Namecode, Nameudfs, RegisterAD
Firms (without Names)FirmwoeFirmAE
Firms (with Registrations)FirmwrgCourse, Register, Firm, Names, RegfeesAF
CredentialCredentlNames, Testing, Firm, NameudfsCR

Courses ​

CEU Reporting (by Course)CeugeocCourse, Crseudfs, LocationGC
Course Details (with Fees)CrsewfeeCourse, Location, Grouping, Fees, CrseudfsBA
Room Use > Date SortRoomuseCourse, Instruct*, Location, CrsroomBJ
Room Use > Location SortRoomuseLCourse, Instruct*, Location, CrsroomBJ
WaitlistsWaitlstRegister, Names, CourseBH
Income SummaryIncsumCourse, Grouping, Location, Crseudfs, Linkinst, Instruct, Fees*CC
Generate Catalog CopyCatalogCatalog, Course, Location, Crseudfs, InstructCZ
AttendanceAttreptAttend, Course, Names, RegisterAT

Registrations ​

Registrations (w/Fees & Payments)RegwallRegister, Course, Pay, Names, Regudfs, RegfeesCA
Counts of Optional FeesOptscntRegister, Regfees, Names, CourseCG
ReceiptsMreceiptRegister, Regfees, Pay, Course, Names, Location, FirmCF
Rosters > Name RosterNameroscNames, Nameudfs, Firm, Register, Course, Regfees, Location, Regudfs, Instruct*CB
Rosters > Attendance RosterAttrosNames, Nameudfs, Firm, Register, Course, Regfees, Location, Regudfs, Instruct*CB
TranscriptsTransctNames, Nameudfs, Register, Course, Grouping*AG
Name TagsNametagNames, Nameudfs, Register, CourseAJ
CertificatesCertifNames, Nameudfs, Register, Course, LocationCE
TabletentsTabltentNames, Nameudfs, Register, CourseAJ
Course PackagesCrsePackNames, CrsePack, Course, Register, Regudfs, PayCP

Faculty ​

Contract AgreementsFmcontrInstruct, Course, Linkinst, Firm, Location, CrseudfsFA
Instructor ListFmlistInstruct, Course, Linkinst, Firm, LocationFA
1099 FormFm1099Instruct, Course, Linkinst, Firm, LocationFB
Performance DataFmperfInstruct, Course, Linkinst, Firm, LocationFA
Check RequestFmcheckInstruct, Course, Linkinst, Firm, LocationFA
Faculty Only ReportsFmonlyInstruct, Course, Linkinst, Firm, LocationFA
Faculty CRMFACCRMInstruct, Course, CRM, Firm, Linkinst, NamecodeFC

Invoices ​

Run InvoicesInvoicNames, Course, PayIV
Run Aging ReportInvoicNames, Course, PayNone

Pocket Ledger ​

Expense Listing > Cost Center GroupingExpcostCourse, Ledgentr, Leddesc, Location, FirmLG
Expense Listing > Expense Class GroupingExpclassCourse, Ledgentr, Leddesc, Location, FirmLG
Expense Listing > Account # GroupingExpaccCourse, Ledgentr, Leddesc, Location, FirmLG
Expense Listing > Vendor GroupingExpvendCourse, Ledgentr, Leddesc, Location, FirmLG
Expense Listing > Cost Center GroupingExpcostCourse, Ledgentr, Leddesc, Location, FirmLG
Income/Expense Balances > DetailBaldetCourse, Ledgentr, Leddesc, Location, FirmLG
Income/Expense BalancesBalsumCourse, Ledgentr, Leddesc, Location, FirmLG
Income/Expense Balances > SnapshotSnapshopCourse, Ledgentr, LeddescLG
Budget ReportsBudgmassCourse, Ledgentr, BudgetBU

Workshops ​

RostersWorkroscNames, Register, Wkshpind, Wkshpmst, CourseWR
Enrollment SummaryWorkcntWkshpmst, CourseWC

Statistics ​

Names > Demographic SummaryStatnmsnNames, Register, Namecode, NameudfsSA
Names > Performance SortingStatwghtNames, Register, Namecode, NameudfsSA
Firms RepresentedDistfirmFirm, RegisterSB
Tracking CodesTrcksumtNames, RegisterSD
Course > Course Data SummaryStatcosmCourseSE
Course > Performance ReviewStatcowtCourseSE

Codes ​

The Codes Report area is for maintenance purposes only. These reports will only give you a list of codes and their descriptions--you can't get data such as which codes have been assigned to records. For this kind of information, you'll need to run a report in an area which accesses the module information (e.g. for name codes, Demographics report area; for course codes, Courses report area).

Course Grouping CodesCodesChoicesNone
Course Subject/Interest CodesCodesChoicesNone
Catalog Codes/DescrCataCatalogCY
Occupational CodesCodesChoicesNone
Organizational CodesCodesChoicesNone
List Source/Tracking CodesSrceChoicesNone
Account CodesCodesChoicesNone
Registrant StatusCodesChoicesNone
Ledger Expense CodesCodesChoicesNone
Coordinator NamesCodesChoicesNone
Registration Fees (Descr)CodesChoicesNone
Demographic CodesCodesChoicesNone
Department CodesCodesChoicesNone
Adjustment FeesCodesChoicesNone
Additional ID CodesCodesChoicesNone
Occupational CodesCodesChoicesNone
Inventory ItemsCodesChoicesNone