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Chart Axes

The Axes page has the following options:

  • Major gridlines: specifies whether major gridlines appear on the X or Y axes (depending on which option you set) and if so their color. The Automatic increment and Increment settings determine where major gridlines appear on the Y axis. For the X axis, they appear for every different category value. To change the color, click the colored square beside this setting and select the desired color from the dialog that appears.

  • Minor gridlines: specifies whether minor gridlines appear on the X or Y axes (depending on which option you set) and if so their color. Minor gridlines appear between major gridlines. The number of minor gridlines between major gridlines is determined by the Tick count setting. To change the color, click the colored square beside this setting and select the desired color from the dialog that appears.

  • Tick count: this option, which is only available if Minor gridlines is turned on, specifies how many minor gridlines appear between major gridlines on the appropriate axis.

  • Automatic increment: if this option is turned on, which it is by default, Student Manager Reports automatically determines the placement of value labels (and major gridlines if that option is turned on) on the Y axis. This value is based on the maximum value for the chart and the height of the chart.

  • Increment: this option, which is only available if Automatic increment is turned off, specifies how frequent value labels appear on the Y axis. For example, a setting of 100 specifies that value labels appear at multiples of 100 (0, 100, 200, and so forth). The larger the number, the fewer the labels.

  • Auto-scale: this option determines whether the minimum and maximum values for the Y-axis are determined automatically based on the data (turned on) or set manually (turned off).

  • Minimum: this option, which is only available if Auto-scale is turned off, specifies the minimum value for the Y-axis.

  • Maximum: this option, which is only available if Auto-scale is turned off, specifies the maximum value for the Y-axis.