Chart Position
If the chart is included in a quick or cross-tab report, Position on report appears instead of the other options. This allows you to specify whether the chart should appear at the top of the report (before the quick or cross-tab data) or at the bottom (after the data).

The chart toolbar provides additional control over the chart. It has the following functions:
Normal: returns the mouse pointer to a normal pointer.
Rotate: enables rotation mode. Click and drag the chart to the desired angle.
Move: enables movement mode. Click and drag the chart to move it to the desired position.
Zoom: enables zoom mode. Click and drag the chart to zoom in and out.
Depth: enables depth mode. Click and drag the chart to scale it to the desired depth.
3D: turns on and off 3-dimensional viewing.
Edit: displays the Edit Chart dialog. This button is not displayed for a chart included in a quick or cross-tab report.
Copy: copies the chart to the clipboard.