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Returns total amount of all payments in a group. Depending on parameter passed, it returns dollar amount or a character string for all payments.

Reporting Area(s) ​

Registrations, Accounting

Required Parameters ​

  1. Group ID (rggroupid)

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Numeric Code Value

0= Sum of payments

1= Date, Receipt, Payer, Amount

5= Parameter 3 as a string

  1. Field(s) from Pay table to return ("pynumber","pyamt","pyname + pyamt")
  2. Condition to return payment information: pay types to return (i.e. "456" only returns credit card payment information)

Example(s) ​

RCTTPAY(rggroupid) returns 500 (if total payments for the group was $500.00)

RCTTPAY(rggroupid, 5,"pyname + str(pyamt,7,2)) returns John Smith 500 (if John Smith paid $500 for this groups registration)

RCTTPAY(rggroupid,0,"","456") returns sum of all credit card payments

Notes ​

If you are using parameter 3 you must use #5 as parameter 2.