Returns the grand total of a field in the cursor at the beginning of the report.
Reporting Area(s) ​
Required Parameters ​
- Field in the Cursor to Group by (i.e. rgcrse, nmid, "rgid,rgcrse")
- Numeric field in cursor to sum (i.e. coenrolled, rgcrsefee)
Optional Parameters ​
- Condition to sum field (i.e. rgcrsefee > 10.00)
Example(s) ​
CURSINC("rgid,rgcrse","rgcrsefee") returns the amount of the registrant's registration fee for all individuals in report
CURSINC("rgid,rgcrse","rgcrsefee","subs(rgcrse,3,1)='F'") returns the amount of registrant's registration fee from registrations where the 3rd letter of the Course Code = F
Notes ​
Unique tool which lets you report a grand total of the value of any numeric field in the report in a report header. (normally you have to use a variable to sum a field and you can't get the total until the END or bottom of the report).