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For use with Course Packaging Module - displays information about child courses in the Course package (as set on the parent course).

Reporting Area(s) ​


Required Parameters ​

  1. Course # (i.e. cocrse).

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Character return value: field(s) from Course table to return. Note: if using a function to format a field, you must use the AS clause and specify a variable name (see nicedate() expression in example 2 below).
  2. Custom Sort Order (e.g. "cobegdate,cocrsenm"). Default is Course Number (i.e. cocrse).

Example(s) ​

PACKAGES(cocrse) returns the course number of all Child courses in the course package. Course codes are listed on separate lines.

PACKAGES(cocrse,"cocrsenm,nicedate(cobegdate,coenddate,0,40) as dates") returns title and dates of all Child courses in the course package. Fields are separated by the pipe [ | ] character (e.g. Mastering Student Manager 8.0|September 13-14, 2011), with courses on separate lines.

PACKAGES(cocrse,"cocrsenm,nicedate(cobegdate,coenddate,0,40) as dates","cobegdate,cocrsenm") returns title and dates of all Child courses in the course package, sorted by begin date,title. Fields are separated by the pipe [ | ] character (e.g. Mastering Student Manager 8.0|September 13-14, 2011), with courses on separate lines.