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Mass Email Rosters to Instructors ​

You can mass email rosters to instructors assigned to courses. To do so:

  1. Select Tools > Mass Email Rosters to Instructors.
  2. Enter the number of days out to select courses. E.g. entering 10 will pull courses from the current date to 10 days in the past.

Select Courses

  1. The system will display a list of courses that meet the number of days out you entered in step 2. Select the ones you want to include in the email. Then click the Done button.
  2. Select the fields you want to include in the roster on the Select the fields you want on this roster screen, then click the Done button.
  3. The system will ask if you want to send the email in HTML format. Select the appropriate option.
  4. The rosters are now emailed.