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RequiredFields ​

Determines Name fields required on the Profile page. Fields from Names and NameUDFs tables can be included.

Names table fields mapped to text boxes (with a "txt" prefix) should be entered with the field name minus the NM designation. For example: Name1, Name2, Name3, Firm, Title, Badge, Addr1, City, County, State, Zip, Country, Day Phone, Evening Phone, Cell Phone, Email.

Other fields, such as drop downs, check boxes, and any NameUDFS field, should be entered with the full HTML name, preceded by a period. E.g. .lstNmEthnic, .chkNudfl1, .txtNudfc1.

Birthdate - the default person.awp form uses 3 fields for the Birthdate entry. To require any of the birthdate fields, you must enter the appropriate field names, preceded by a period:

.txtBMo - birth month .txtBDay - birth day .txtBYr - birth year

If you want Birthdate to be required for existing users too (using the :VALIDATE option), you must also add the BIRTH field to the Required fields setting. E.g. BIRTH,.txtBMo,.txtBDay:,.txtBYr:VALIDATE

Other parameters ​

NEW: - to leave a field optional for returning users, while requiring it for first-time users, prefix the field name with NEW:, e.g. NEW:FIRM.

:VALIDATE - if this flag is added to the end of the RequiredFields list, existing users with blank entries in required fields will have to supply the missing data before they can complete their registration.

User Friendly Names ​

You can set user friendly names. The friendly names will be used when the system reports Missing Data Entries during the enrollment process.

Fields must be entered in FieldName:User Friendly name format. Separate field pairs with semi-colons. E.g. NAME1:First Name;NAME3:Last Name

If you use the friendly names option, it must be applied to all required fields.

Examples ​




NAME1:First Name;NAME3:Last Name;ADDR1:Address;CITY:City;STATE:State;ZIP:Zip Code;dphone:Day Phone;EMAIL:Email:VALIDATE