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Course Import Wizard

The Course Import Wizard allows you to import course records into the Course database.


  • Microsoft Excel installed on your workstation (or the remote server if using our hosted option).
  • An Excel spreadsheet with the courses to import.
  • It's not required, but we do recommend you have a Header row in your Excel spreadsheet that identifies the data in each column. E.g. course code, title, begin date, etc.


If you use the Student Manager native field names in the column headers (i.e. use COCRSE for course code, COCRSENM for course title, etc.), the import routine will automatically find and link the appropriate field for that column.

  • Date Format: use the ShortDate format for dates in your import file. The column width must also be expanded to at least 36.
  • These fields must be set to Text format even if the value is only numbers: colocid, liinstid, all phone number fields, all zip code fields.

Excel Column Format

What Can You Import?

You can import:

  • All fields from the Course table
  • All fields from Course User Defined Fields table
  • All fields from the Catalog table
  • All fields from the Fees table
  • All fields from Location table
  • Code from Grouping table
  • All fields from Instructor table. If the email address matches the email address of an instructor in Student Manager, it will link to the corresponding Faculty record. The wizard will also link to Faculty records if the LIINSTID field matches the Faculty System ID of an instructor in Student Manager.

Multiple Fees, Instructors, and Grouping Codes

You can import multiple fees, instructors and grouping codes. To do so follow these rules:

  • Enter fields in separate columns entering number sequence at the end. For example, fedesc1, fedesc2, etc.
  • Keep record fields together. For example, fedesc1, fefee1, feident1, fedesc2, fefee12, feident2.

Multiple Fees in Import File

Importing Courses

To import course records:

  1. Select Tools > Import/Export > Course Import Wizard.
  2. In the Windows Open box, find and select your Excel spreadsheet file.
  3. Select the Student Manager field for the columns in your spreadsheet.

If you are using the Student Manager native field names in the column headers (i.e. COCRSE for course code, COCRSENM for course title, etc.), this step will be skipped.

  1. Click the drop down and select the field to store the data in:

Select Field

  1. Once the field is selected click the OK button to continue:

Field selected

Repeat steps 1-2 for all columns in your spreadsheet.

  1. If your spreadsheet has a Header row, click the Yes button:

Is there a Header?

  1. The Preview window will display for you to see the records that will be imported. Press CTRL+Q to continue with the import process. Press ESC to cancel the import.


  1. The system will then import the records and notify when it's completed:

Import is Complete