Returns values depending on the condition given.
Reporting Area(s) ​
Required Parameters ​
- Condition to evaluate (i.e. pytype='3', rgcancel, empty(nmcomm))
- Return value if condition is true (i.e. "Canceled", pyamt)
- Return value if condition is false (i.e. "", pyamt)
Optional Parameters ​
Example(s) ​
IIF(rgcancel,"Canceled","") returns the word 'Canceled' if registration is canceled, otherwise returns nothing
IIF(pytype='3', "Billing", pyamt) returns the word 'Billing' if the pay type is billing, otherwise returns the payment amount
IIF(empty(nmcomm), "No Comments", nmcomm) returns 'No Comments' if no comments have been
Notes ​
Standard FoxPro Function
IIF statements consist of 3 parts: 1) the condition to evaluate, 2) what to return if the condition is true, and 3) what to return if the condition is false.