UDF Display Coding Rules ​
The following are Coding items that can be used in UDF Displays.
Note: date, numeric, and logical fields must turned into character values to be included in the display.
Coding Items ​
- Fields – the name of the field you want to display prefaced by the table name. You can use fields from the listed tables depending on which module:
Module Tables Examples Names Names and Nameudfs names.nmdisable, nameudfs.nudfc1 Course Course and Crseudfs course.coalias, crseudfs.cudfc1 Register Regudfs regudfs.rudfc1
- UDF Labels - you can use the label of the UDF field you want to display. The name of the label must be prefaces by the Labels table name.
Example: labels.udfc1
- Text Strings - use text strings as labels, and identifiers between fields. Text strings MUST be enclosed in quotation marks "".
Examples: "Spouse: ", ": ","="
- + (plus sign) Concatenation Marks - Concatenation mark are used to join the pieces of your UDF display together.
Example: labels.udfc1+"="+nameudfs.nudfc1, "Sponsor:"+crseudfs.cudfc1
- Formatting Functions - use these functions to format your labels and fields.
TRIM() - trims off any spaces at the end of a label or field.
DTOC() or TRIMDATE() - turns date fields into character values. TRIMDATE allows you to specify the date format (e.g. return 2 digit year, mm/dd/yy).
STR() - turns numeric fields into character values.
SHOWTF() - turns logical fields into character values with the ability to return Yes/No or True/False.
ADDNMUNL() - returns the specified Unlimited Name UDF. Note: Unlimited UDFs do not have labels so you will need to use a text string label.
Example Display Strings ​
These are some sample strings using the above items:
- Character UDF:
- Date UDF:
- Logical UDF:
- Numeric UDF:
- Unlimited UDF:
"Spouse: ""+trim(addnmunl(names.nmid,"spouse_name")
- Two fields on 1 line separated by /:
- Using the IIF() and EMPTY() functions to return 'No Data' if a field has no value:
trim(labels.udfc1)+"="+iif(empty(nameudfs.nudfc1),"No Data",nameudfs.nudfc1)