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Returns list of individuals enrolled in course.

Reporting Area(s) ​

Courses, Registrations

Required Parameters ​

  1. Course #, (i.e. cocrse, rgcrse, pycrse)

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Numeric return value: (note: all but option 8 put a carriage return between names)

1= Name

2= Name City

3= Name Firm City

4= Name Firm City Day Phone

5= Name Day Phone Home Phone Email

7= Name Title Firm Address City St Zip Dayphone Homephone email

8= Name in comma separated list

9= Name Dayphone Cellphone RegistrationNote

10= Name Email

  1. Numeric return value: (passing nothing returns Sal. First MI. Last, Suffix)

0= First MI. Last, Suffix

1= First MI. Last

2= Last, First MI. Suffix

3= First Last

5= First MI (BadgeName) Last Suffix

  1. Logical .t. number names, .f. do not number names (Default)
  2. Condition to return individuals (i.e. "nmsex='F' "). Can use fields from Names or Register.
  3. Custom return string to define the fields and spacing between the fields. Can use fields from Names and/or Register. Override parameter 2.

Example(s) ​

LISTSTUD(cocrse) returns list of individuals registered in course (i.e. John Doe)

LISTSTUD(cocrse,2,2, .T.) returns numbered list of individuals and associated city registered in course (i.e. 1 Doe, John J Seattle)

LISTSTUD(cocrse,2,1,.t.,"nmsex='F'") returns list of individuals enrolled in course who are female

LISTSTUD(cocrse,,,.t.,,"namer(nmid,1)+' '+alltrim(nmspec)") returns list of individuals enrolled in course and their special needs

SQL Version

If you are running the SQL version, you will need to use LIKE for begins with conditions:

LISTSTUD(cocrse,2,1,.t.,"nmfeecat LIKE 'Senior%'") returns list of individuals enrolled in course whose Fee Category value begins with 'Senior'.

A contains text condition example uses the % before and after the search term:

LISTSTUD(cocrse,2,1,.t.,"nmfeecat LIKE '%Senior%'") returns list of individuals enrolled in course whose Fee Category value contains 'Senior'.

Notes ​

This function recognizes the value of the optional use of Sal., MI and Suffix as set up in your name entry preferences.