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Data Cleanup - Code Areas ​

Clean up Student Manager code lists with the Code Area Cleanup tool. This allows you to deactivate, update and merge codes as your program needs change.

Note: when you run a Code Cleanup option, it changes the code in the Code list--AND--all associated records. For example, if you edit an Interest Code, it also changes the code on all Name records that have that Interest Code.

To run the Code Area Cleanup tool, select Tools > Data Cleanup > Code Areas.


Wwe strongly recommend making a backup before running this tool.

Change Code Value ​

To change the name/description of a code:

  1. Select the appropriate Code from the Code Area drop down menu (e.g. Account, Coordinator, etc.).
  2. Click on the appropriate code in the list to populate the Code Value/Description fields:

Click on Appropriate Code

  1. Enter the changes in the Code Value fields.

Enter Changes

  1. Click the Replace button to make the change.

Change Code Status ​

To change the status of a code:

  1. Select the appropriate Code from the Code Area drop down menu.
  2. Click on the appropriate code in the list.
  3. Select the appropriate status option (Active or Not-active).
  4. Click the Change Status to button.

Merge Codes ​

To merge multiple codes into one (e.g. EDUCELE and EDUCSEC to EDUC):

  1. Select the appropriate code from the Code Area drop down menu.
  2. To select multiple codes, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking the appropriate codes with the mouse button.
  3. Enter the new code values in the Code Value/Description fields.
  4. Click the Replace button to make the change.

Delete Codes ​

To delete a code, select it in the list the click the Delete button. The code is deleted and the code is removed from all associated records.