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Returns Preferred Mail Address as set in the Mail Pref field (nmprefer)* on the Name record.

Reporting Area(s) ​


Required Parameters ​

*If no parameters are used the function will grab the first id in the report.

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Name ID (i.e. nmid, rgid, pyid)
  2. Logical .t. returns address in Proper Case
  3. Numeric return value: 1= Firm Contact Person (fmcontact)

Example(s) ​

PREFADDR() returns the preferred address of the individual (i.e. SHARON BROOKSHIRE ACEWARE SYSTEMS 121 S 4th St, Ste. 205 MANHATTAN KS 66502 if NMPREFER= F)

PREFADDR(nmid,.t.) returns the preferred address with data in proper case (i.e. Mary Smith 115 Main Street Manhattan KS 65502 if NMPREFER= H)

PREFADDR(nmid,.t.,1) returns the preferred address of the individual with the firm's contact person if NMPREFER= F (i.e. SHARON BROOKSHIRE ACEware Systems, Inc. Susan Kraft 121 S 4th St, Ste. 205 Manhattan KS 66502)

Notes ​

NMPREFER must be available in the report cursor for this function to work. NMPREFER is available in Mailing Labels, Names w/Codes, Names w/Registrations and Deadbeat reports.

*This function uses the value of the Mail Pref (NMPREFER) field from the Names screen.

  • NMPREFER = D (default) - Firm name and address from the Names screen will be used.
  • NMPREFER = F - Firm name and Title from the Names screen, and address from the FIRM record will be used.
  • NMPREFER = H - address from the Names screen will be used. Firm name and Title are not included.

By default the data is displayed in UPPER case. Setting the 2nd parameter to .t. will return the data in proper case.