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Email Certificates ​

To email certificates to registrants in a course:

  1. Open the Course record.
  2. Click the Quick Reports button.
  3. Check the Certificates and Email Separately boxes.

You can only choose the Certificate report when emailing certificates so if any other reports are checked you will need to uncheck those before you can check the Email Separately box.

  1. Click the OK button.
  2. If you chose to run an Additional Report, select the report. If you chose Default Report the system will skip this step.
  3. Choose who to email.

Who to Email

  1. Confirm you want to send emails

Confirm action

  1. Enter the email subject then click OK.

Enter Subject

  1. Edit the email body if desired then click Done.

Edit Email Message Body

The emails are now sent with certificates attached (in PDF format).