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Used in a JUSTAFTER to stamp a value in a specified registration User Defined Field (UDF) for all registrants in the report.

Reporting Area(s) ​


Required Parameters ​

  1. Registration UDF field in which to stamp value (i.e. "rudfc1", "rudfd1", "rudfl1", "rudfn1")
  2. Value to stamp in field (i.e. "Ramada Inn", DATE(), 15.75, .t.)

Optional Parameters ​


Example(s) ​

JUSTAFTER('=STAMPRUDF("rudfc1","Ramada Inn")') stamps 'Ramada Inn' in Registration UDF character field # 1

JUSTAFTER('=STAMPRUDF("rudfd2",DATE())') stamps current date in Registration UDF date field # 2

JUSTAFTER('=STAMPRUDF("rudfl2",.t.)') stamps 'Y' (true) in Registration UDF logical field # 2

JUSTAFTER('=STAMPRUDF("rudfn1",15.75)') stamps 15.75 in Registration UDF number field # 1

Notes ​

This function must be run from a report area which contains both Course number (i.e. cocrse, rgcrse, pycrse) and ID number (i.e. nmid, rgid, pyid).