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Sample Email Templates ​

The following sample Email Templates are available with the Email module:

Template List ​

These are the default tempmlates avaialable from ACEware Systems:

CONFIRMHTM - User Defined Email receipt template. Same information as the standard template (called E_MAIL) with HTML coding.

CONTRACT** - use with the Merge Email Wizard to mass email instructors their contract agreements.

CRSECANCEL - used with the Course Cancel Wizard to email staff when cancelling a course.

DEADBEAT - User Defined Email receipt templates used to send a 2nd notice of a balance due.

E_MAIL - Standard Email receipt template used when emailing confirmations/receipts from the individual's registration.

Email Receipt Options

EMERGENCY - used to send Emergency Emails.

EMERGENCYT - used to send an Emergency Email to the Instructor.

EMERGENCYLOC - used to send Building Specific Emergency Emails.

EMERGENCYLOT - used to send a Building Specific Emergency Email to the Instructor.

ESCROW - email a Credit on File Notice. This template is only meant to be used from the Escrow registration. It puts the credit amount and the Pay Note field into the email. You can add additional information (i.e. paytype, check #, etc.) by using the ADDPAY() function in the body.

FOLLOWUP - use with the Merge Email Wizard to mass email course follow up messages to registrants.

GIFTEMAIL - used to send a gift card notice. The template has recipient name (if identified during purchase), gift card number, expiration date, and purchases. It's meant to be sent to the recipient.

INSTCREDS - use with the Merge Email Wizard to send instructor link and initial credentials to access rosters via ACEweb.

INSTFOLLOW - use with the Merge Email Wizard to send instructor follow up emails.

INSTREMIND - use with the Merge Email Wizard to send instructor reminder emails.

LNK2PAYOUT - used to send a link to the Pay Outstanding Balances page on ACEweb. You can add name information to Email Header. You cannot edit the Email Body.

MARKETING* - uses a special function called SHOUPCLS() to include a list of upcoming courses. Meant to be used with the Merge Email Wizard.

MARKETHTM* - same information as the Marketing template with HTML coding to format the text.

MARKETAW - marketing template for ACEweb users. This template turns the course name into a link that users can click to open the Course Status page for the corresponding course. To use this template, you must replace the <https://yourdomain> with your own web domain. Uses the ACEweb version of SHOUPCLS()

MINMET2TCH - if you have the Email Instructor(s) when Course Min is Met enabled on Faculty Preferences, used to send email to instructor.

MINNOT2TCH - used if you have the Email Instructor(s) when Course Min is Met enabled on Faculty Preferences and the enrollment count falls below the minimum.

NEWAWSITE - for new ACEweb users to send announce online registration email to Names.

REMINDER* - use with the Merge Email Wizard to mass email course reminders to registrants.

ROSTER* - use with the Merge Email Wizard to mass email instructors their rosters.

ROS2TCH - used when emailing roster to instructor from course Quick Reports. This one is used if you do not want to send an HTML formatted roster.

ROS2TCHHTM - used when emailing roster to instructor from course Quick Reports. This one is used if you choose to send an HTML formatted roster.

TRANSCRIPT - use with the Merge Email Wizard to send students transcripts.

TRANSCRHTM** - same information as the Transcript template with HTML coding to format the text.

WAITLIST - used from the individual's registration to send a notice that they were added to the waitlist of a class.

*When using these templates with the Merge Email Wizard, you MUST use the 1 Email per ID Merge Type.

**When using these templates with the Merge Email Wizard, you MUST use the Native Format Type.