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Student Manager Tables ​

All the fields in Student Manager are contained in tables. In most of the tables, the first two letters of the field denote the table in which they are stored.

For example, all fields which start with 'Nm' are from the Names table. The Names table stores all the personal information about the individuals participating in your programs (e.g. name, address, occupation code, etc.).

Here’s a quick guide to the Table Naming protocols within Student Manager:

  • AT = Attendance Tracker
  • BU = Budget Builder
  • CA = Catalog (e.g. cacode: catalog code)
  • CO = Course (e.g. cocrse: course code)
  • CR = CRM
  • FE = Course Fees (e.g. fedesc: fee desc.)
  • FAI = Individual Financial Aid (e.g. faid, faiexpect)
  • FAM = Master Financial Aid (e.g. famid, famcrse)
  • FM = Firm (e.g. fmfirm: firm title)
  • IN = Instructor (e.g. inname3: inst. last name)
  • LOC = Location (e.g. locinfo: location info)
  • LE = Pocket Ledger (e.g. leclass:  expense class)
  • LI = Instructor Pay (e.g. lipayrate: pay rate)
  • NM = Name (e.g. nmname1: first name)
  • PY = Pay (e.g. pydate: payment date)
  • RF = Reg. Additional Charges (e.g. rffee: fee amount)
  • RG = Register (e.g. rgaddate: reg add date)
  • TE = Credentials (e.g. teid, tetitle)
  • WI = Individual's workshops/lessons (e.g. wigrade: grade)
  • WM = Master Workshop/Lessons (e.g. wmtitle: workshop/lesson title)

UDF Tables ​

User-defined fields consist of:

  • the first letter of the table (e.g. N=Name, C=Course, R=Register, P=Pay, etc.)
  • the letters 'UDF'
  • letter denoting the type of field (c=character, l=logical, n=number, d=date)
  • the number of the field

For example, Nudfc1 is Name character field #1.

Table/Field Structure ​

View the Student Manager tables/fields in list format. Or view field names by screen in the Screen Layout section.