UserIDSource ​
Set Logon Credentials ACEweb users need to supply to log into their Account.
Entries in this setting must be in ALL CAPS.
:MGR - REQUIRED. ACEweb assigns system generated ID#s to new Name records. If this is the only parameter entered in this setting, Users must logon with the ID# from their Name record.
On or more of the following can be used in conjunction with the above required parameter:
:EMAIL - allows logon using email addresses.
:MULT - allows using the same Email address in multiple Name records. REQUIRES Password Validation (:PWD). Users MUSTÂ enter unique passwords on Name records with the same email address.
:PREMULT - supports logging in with pre-existing Name records that use the same Email address, but disallows online creation of such accounts. REQUIRES Password Validation (:PWD). Name records with the same email address must be assigned unique passwords.
:PWD - validate with user's password. Organization MUST also set the initial password assigned to existing users who have not yet used ACEweb in the PubPassword INI setting. Organizations can also set password restrictions.
:INIT - validate with user's  initials. CANNOT be used with the :MULT option.
:BOK - if not using password validation (e.g. ID only, Email and Initials), this setting is required to skip password checking.
:ONCE - used in conjunction with the :BOK flag to only allow a blank password to be used once (on account creation). Subsequent login using pubpassword will prompt the student to create a password.
:ALT:[Character field from Names table] - allows the user to log in with an alternate ID. E.g. :ALT:NMCODE2 would allow the user to log in with the value of the NMCODE2 field.
:NODEW – used with the :MULT option to allow setting up accounts without checking for duplicate email addresses. If NOT set, users will receive a Duplicate Email message when first submitting the new account. However, if they resubmit using the same email address, the duplicate is allowed.
:ZDET – used in place of :MULT and :NODEW. Completely DISALLOWS duplicate email addresses.