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Used in a JUSTDOIT to open a message box in which you can enter a temporary value to be used in a report.

Reporting Area(s) ​


Required Parameters ​

  1. Character title expression (i.e. text that will display at the top of the message box)
  2. Input variable. Variable can be a date, (e.g. ctod('//') ), a number (e.g. 0.00), or character. If character, use the SPACE() function to specify desired length (i.e. SPACE(50) creates a data entry field 50 characters in length). Note: if you wish to enter a large text block (i.e. a memo), enter a space value 251- SPACE(251). This will let you enter large blocks of text in a scrolling data window.

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Field to insert in cursor (i.e. "addcrse(pycrse,'cocoord') as coordin"
  2. Specify sort order (i.e. "coordin,pycrse")

Example(s) ​

JUSTDOIT("=GETDATA('Enter Message', SPACE(251))") opens a memo data entry field box entitled 'Enter Message'

JUSTDOIT([=GETDATA("Enter Message",SPACE(50),"addcrse(pycrse,'cocoord') as coordin","coordin,pycrse")]) opens a 50 character data entry field box, then adds cocoord field to cursor as 'coordin' and sorts records in cursor by coordin,course number

JUSTDOIT("=GETDATA('Enter Date', ctod('//'))") opens a date entry field box entitled 'Enter Date'

JUSTDOIT("=GETDATA('Enter Number',0.00)") opens a number entry field box entitled 'Enter Number'

Notes ​

This function can only be used in a JUSTDOIT.

Data entered in the text message box is NOT saved with the record--it is only used in the report.

This function can also be used to add a field to the cursor and to specify a special sort order (If you have a special report need, we would help you implement this).

This function WILL add a 0 as Marker to the cursor (meaning no additional Justdoits can be added). However, IF you preface parameter 1 with a + sign, it will NOT add 0 as Marker (i.e. "+Enter Message").

Forced Uppercase: Default behavior of text entry is proper case (i.e. user enters desired capitals). If you wish to force alpha entry to upper case, enter a pair of explanation points ( !! ) anywhere into parameter 1. e.g.: "Enter the data !!"