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Returns a count or sum of hours/ceus/courses assessed to registrants.

Reporting Area(s) ​

Names, Registrations

Required Parameters ​

  1. Name ID (i.e. nmid, rgid, pyid)

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Character return value. If no value is passed, will return the total number of courses.

C=Sum of CEUS

H=Sum of Hours

N=Count of Courses (Default)

  1. Condition to return value. Any field from the Register, Course, and Grouping tables can be used.

Notes ​

This function counts ALL courses the registrant has taken that meet the conditions, not just the courses from the original query.

Example(s) ​

GRADREPT(rgid,"C") returns the sum of CEUS registrant has earned.

GRADREPT(rgid,"H","rgcrse='03F'") returns the sum of hours earned for all courses that begin with '03F'.

JUSTDOIT('select *,0 as marker from (cursor5) where GRADREPT(rgid,"N") >5 into cursor(cursor5)') returns registrants from original query who have taken 5 or more courses.