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Room Use Records ​

After you set the course date, time, and location information, the system creates a list of session records. To view the session list, click the Room Use button.

Room Use Screen

Room Conflicts ​

When you save the course record, the system *checks to see if you have any other courses scheduled at the particular location during the date/time you specified. If there is a conflict, the system shows you a list of courses that conflict.

Click the OK/Close button to close the notice, then make any necessary changes to the course schedule to clear the Room Conflict.

You can also see room conflicts by clicking the Room Use button to open the Edit Room Use screen:

Room Conflict

If there is a conflict, the word 'YES' will appear in the Conflict column. Highlight the session then click the Show Conflict(s) button to see the room conflicts.

*You can disable this option on Course Preferences by unchecking the Enable Room Conflict Checking box.

Customize Room Use Records ​

Course Room Use records are customizable. You may change the Session Date, Start Hour, Start Min, End Hour, End Min, and Location of each session. For instance, you may need to schedule one session at a different location, or change the meeting time of a session.

To customize the Room Use records:

  1. Open the course record.
  2. Click the Room Use button to open the Edit Room Use screen.

Edit Room Use Screen

  1. Highlight the record you want to change.
  2. Make the necessary changes in the Date, Start, End, Building, and Room fields (e.g. change the End hour to 16 in this example).

Edit Room Use Record

  1. Click the Save button to save your changes. The room use record is updated:

Room Use Change Saved

  1. Click the OK/Close button to close the Edit Room Use screen.

You can also delete a session, add a new session or roll a session date to the next available date (as per days meeting set on the course Main tab). Note: this will also adjust any sessions after the date rolled.

For example, class will not be held on Friday, February 17 so you want to roll that session to the next available date of Wednesday, February 22:

Roll Date

To roll the date, highlight the record then click the Roll Date button. The session is moved to the next date and sessions meeting after the new date will also be 'rolled' to the next available date:

Rolled Room Use Record

Reset Room Use Records ​

If you have customized Room Use records and want to reset the records to their original values:

  1. Click into the # of Sessions field (to the right of the Course Begin Date field) on the course record then Tab out of the field.
  2. You’ll be notified that if you reset the records, any custom room use records will be deleted. Click the Yes button to reset the Room Use records.

Clone Room Use Records ​

Create another set of course Room Use records for a course at a different location. E.g. one set at ACEware Headquaters, and another set at Holiday Inn.

To run this tool:

  1. Select Module > Courses > Clone Room.
  2. Enter the Course Number.
  3. Select the New (additional) Room to assign.

Clone Room Use Screen

  1. Click the OK button.
  2. Confirm the Room Use clone procedure.

Confirm clone procedure

  1. You will be notified how many records were cloned.

You can now open the course record and click the Room Use button to modify the room use records, if necessary.

Room Use Screen