Returns the days of the week a course meets (the record is saved as "_X_XX_X" and is translated to: M W H S).
Reporting Area(s) ​
Required Parameters ​
- Course Meeting Days (codow)
Optional Parameters ​
- Numeric return value: number of characters of day to return (i.e. 1= MTu [default], 3= Mon, Tue, 9=Monday, Tuesday)
- Numeric return value: number of characters to pad expression (i.e. 20 pads the expression to 20 characters)
Example(s) ​
SHOWDOW(codow) returns 1st character of the days the course meets (i.e. MWF)
SHOWDOW(codow, 3) returns 3 characters of the days the course meets (i.e. Mon, Wed, Fri)
SHOWDOW(codow,3,30) returns 3 characters of the days the course meets padded to 30 characters (i.e. Mon, Wed, Fri )