Course Registration Process ​
The following is the general process students will go through to enroll in a course:
- The student looks up the course they want to enroll in.
- They click the Enroll Yourself button on the Course Status page.
- They log on to the system (if they have already logged on, this step is skipped).
- The Enrollment Cart page opens where they select their course options (i.e. registration fee, optional fees, supplemental data, etc.).
- If they are enrolling in other courses, they click the Save to Cart/Add More Courses button and repeat steps 1, 2, and 4. Otherwise, they continue to step 6.
- They click the Proceed to Checkout button.
- On the Checkout page, they enter their Credit Card Holder information (i.e. name and address on card) then click the Pay Service button.
- They are directed to your Payment Service (i.e. Touchnet,, Elavon, etc.) where they enter their their credit card number, etc. and validate the charge.
- If the credit card charge is approved, they are directed to the ACEweb Transaction Completed page. A confirmation is emailed to the registrant, and if you have the option enabled, staff receive a transaction notice.