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Course Registration Process ​

The following is the general process students will go through to enroll in a course:

  1. The student looks up the course they want to enroll in.
  2. They click the Enroll Yourself button on the Course Status page.
  3. They log on to the system (if they have already logged on, this step is skipped).
  4. The Enrollment Cart page opens where they select their course options (i.e. registration fee, optional fees, supplemental data, etc.).
  5. If they are enrolling in other courses, they click the Save to Cart/Add More Courses button and repeat steps 1, 2, and 4. Otherwise, they continue to step 6.
  6. They click the Proceed to Checkout button.
  7. On the Checkout page, they enter their Credit Card Holder information (i.e. name and address on card) then click the Pay Service button.
  8. They are directed to your Payment Service (i.e. Touchnet,, Elavon, etc.) where they enter their their credit card number, etc. and validate the charge.
  9. If the credit card charge is approved, they are directed to the ACEweb Transaction Completed page. A confirmation is emailed to the registrant, and if you have the option enabled, staff receive a transaction notice.