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Canceling Registrations ​

To cancel a registration that has not been paid:

  1. Check the Cancel box in the upper-right of the registration screen.
  2. *The system will ask you if you want to clear the CEU/Credit/Hours and Grade fields. Select the appropriate option.
  3. If you've created billing records for this registration, the system will ask you if you want to void the billing records. If you select Yes, it will also ask you for a reason for voiding. Note: if you will be charging the registrant a cancellation fee, you can void the billing then open the Payments screen and create a new billing record with the cancellation fee amount.
  4. *You must manually add a negative Fee Adjustment to zero out the total due:

a. Select a cancellation option from the Fee Adjustment Description list. b. Enter a negative amount equal to the amount due for the registration in the Amount field. Note: if you're charging a cancellation fee, don't forget to adjust the amount accordingly (e.g. if the registration was 325.00 and you charge a 30.00 cancellation fee, you will only want to issue a fee adjustment of -295.00).

*If you are using the Quick Cancel Registration option in Register Preferences, these steps are automatically completed for you.