Returns number of payment records associated with specific registration.
Reporting Area(s) ​
Accounting, Registrations
Required Parameters ​
- Course # (i.e. cocrse, rgcrse, pycrse)
- Name ID (i.e. nmid, rgid, pyid)
Optional Parameters ​
- Condition to return count (i.e. "pytype='3'"). Default is to include all undeleted payments
- Logical .t. returns the sum of all specified payments, .f. (Default) returns the count of all specified payments
Example(s) ​
RGHASPAY(rgcrse,rgid) returns the number of payments for the registration (i.e. 3)
RGHASPAY(rgcrse,rgid,"pytype $ '1234567ABCDEFGH' ") returns the number of payments for the registration excluding voided and refunded payments
RGHASPAY(rgcrse,rgid,"pytype $ '1234567ABCDEFGH' ",.t.) returns the sum of payments for the registration excluding voided and refunded payments