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Characters Used in Codes ​

You CAN ONLY USE the following characters in Student Manager code fields (e.g. course codes, catalog codes, grouping codes, etc.):

  • Letters [ABC]
  • Numbers [123]
  • Hyphens [-]
  • Undescores [_]
  • Periods [.]

Unless otherwise specified, you CANNOT USE these characters:

  • Spaces in codes [COM 123]
  • Symbols [, ; : ? ! - / & \ # ~ @ $ % ^ + = < > ' " | ( ) [ ] { } ]

The above rules ALSO APPLY TO Grouping Code Descriptions and Location/Building Names.

Exceptions ​

You may use spaces in these codes:

  • Coordinator.
  • Department - no code field--enter your department into the Description field.
  • Main Fees - no code field--enter your fee name into the Description field.
  • Additional/Optional Fees - no description field--enter your fee name into the Code field.
  • Registration (OTF) Adjustment Fees - no description field--enter your fee name into the Code field.
  • Refund Wizard Fee Names - no description field--enter your fee name into the Code field.

You may use apostrophes in theses codes:

  • Location/Building names, e.g. Chuck's Cabin.
  • Location's Campus field.

Code Descriptions ​

You CAN USE the Description field to more fully describe the specific code:

The description shows in the Code list, so the user will be able to tell what a specific code means: