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Combining Faculty Records ​

Student Manager has features to help you prevent adding duplicate Faculty records, such as assigning unique identification numbers to each record and the Faculty Name matching feature. However, despite your best efforts you may find that two records exist for the same faculty member (e.g. one for Arthur Alexander and one for Art Alexander). In these cases, you can combine the faculty records into one and assign the correct faculty to associated Course records.

To combine two Faculty records:

  1. Open the 'good' record (i.e. the record you want to keep) and copy the Faculty System ID number (lower left of Faculty screen).

Copy Faculty System ID

  1. Open the 'bad' record (i.e. the record you want to delete) and replace the Faculty System ID number with the Faculty System ID number of the 'good' record (i.e. the record you want to keep).

Paste Faculty System ID

  1. Click the Save button.
  2. The system will warn you that your are changing the Faculty System ID, and that the system will change the faculty on all Course records associated with the 'Bad' faculty to the 'Good' faculty. Click the Yes button to make the swap.