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Credit Card Processor Settings ​

IMPORTANT: you must be a Student Manager administrator to access Credit Card Processor Settings.

  1. Get everyone else out of Student Manager.
  2. Select Tools > Credit Card Management > Processor Settings.

Settings ​

  • Merchant ID#Pay Service - name of the Payment Service (e.g. TLINK6*, AUTHORIZENET*, PAYFLOWLINK*). If using a regular (non-redirect) payment service, the Merchant # may be entered in this setting.

  • Card Processor Path - path to the Gatecop directory with the trailing slash at the end (e.g. r:\manager7\gatecop\).

  • Important: all Student Manager users who will be processing credit cards must be mapped to the Gatecop folder using the same drive letter (e.g. all mapped as r:\manager7\gatecop\) .

  • I Use an External CC Processor - check this box if you are using a redirect payment service, i.e. one that transfers you to a web site to enter the credit card information (e.g. Touchnet tLink,, Paypal, etc.).

Note: because you don't enter the credit card information into Student Manager, this option will disable the Credit Card # and Expiration Date fields.

  • Seconds to wait before timeout warning? - how many seconds the system should wait before displaying the Timeout warning. For redirect services, we suggest a timeout value of at least 300 seconds (5 minutes).

  • Partner, Vendor Name, User, and Password: these fields are ONLY used by the PayPal service when issuing refunds.

Regular Payment Service Settings ​

These settings are only used for regular services:

  • CC Processor Name - code of your Credit Card Processor (e.g. VISA, .NOVA, etc.).

  • Use Address Verification - check if you are set up to use Address Verification.

  • Use Card Verification Value - only used for regular payment service--not redirect service. Check if your bank requires you to submit the 3 digit Card Verification number.  This will add the CVV# field to the Pay screen for you to enter the number.  However,  for security reasons the CVV number is submitted to the payment gateway but not saved to the pay record.

  • # of Timeouts to accept before the system resets the user served sequence - how many timeouts will be allowed before served sequence reset.

  • Reset the User Served Sequence? - reset the user sequence to 1.

  • Hide first 12 digits of CC# in log file - check if you want to hide the first 12 digits of the credit card # in the log file.

  • Is the Processing software on a computer (Local Computer) that is also used as a Student Manager workstation? - If the processing software is installed on one of the Student Manager workstations, check Yes. If not, check No.

  • If a local computer is used enter machine name - If you selected yes on the above setting, enter the workstation's Machine Name (available on Network Identification tab in System Settings)

  • Directory where the Processor is located: - If you selected Yes on the above setting, enter the workstation's payment processor software directory path (e.g. c:\pccw).

Enable Credit Card Processing for Users ​

You must enable credit card processing for each Student Manager user who will be processing credit cards.

  1. Select Edit > Preferences.
  2. Open the Pay Preferences tab.
  3. Check the Validate Credit Card box.
  4. Click the OK/Close button.