Full Courses ​
Maximum enrollment amount is set in the Max field on the course record. When the course enrollment count reaches the course Max value, the course is considered to be full.
If staff attempt to enroll someone in a full course, they are notified the course is full and given the opportunity to waitlist the student, overbook the course, or pick a new course.
- Waitlist Student - the registration record is added with the Waitlisted designation. For more information, see the Waitlisting topic.
- Overbook (Continue) - override the maximum constraint and continue the registration process.
- Pick New Class - the registration is abandoned and you are returned to the last reg for the selected person.
ACEweb - Full Courses ​
Full courses are identified in the Course Listings as full (text comes from FullMsg INIÂ setting):
When the user clicks the course link to view the course status page, they see the Full Message (text comes from VerboseFullMsg INIÂ setting). Please note:Â overbooking is not available online.
Allow Waitlisting ​
You can enable waitlisting in ACEweb:
- To enable waitlisting for all full courses, set the AllowWaitlist INIÂ to ON.
- To enable waitlisting for specific courses only, set AllowWaitlist INIÂ to OFF, then check the Allow Waitlisting on ACEweb box on the course ACEweb Info tab.
If waitlisting is allowed, when the user clicks the course link to view the course status page, the Add Your Name to Waiting List button is available:
If the user clicks the button, they must log in then confirm they want to be added to the waitlist:
If they confirm, they are added to the course Waitlist.
If they have the Proxy Registration feature enabled, they can add someone else to a watilist. Note the user must log into their account before they will be able to add someone else to a waitlist.
- Users cannot add themselves to a course Waitlist if they have a canceled registration in the course that has been updated by a staff member.
- Users cannot add themselves to a course Waitlist if they have not met course Prerequisites.
- Users cannot add themselves to a course Waitlist if they have already added the course to their Cart.
- If a course fills up after a user has added it to their Cart and before they pay for the transaction, ACEweb will add them to the course Waitlist.
Interest Codes ​
ACEweb will add an interest code to the user's Name if you have the hidden nameCode field added to the ##-Filler-## section of the WLInint.htm template.
<input type="hidden" name="nameCode" value="course.cosubcode" />
The default behavior is to use the course Subject code as the Interest code value.
You can modify that by changing the value of the nameCode hidden field to a custom Interest code: value="WEBWAIT". Note: when entering a custom value, it will be used for ALLÂ courses.
You can also use a different field, e.g. the course UDF character field #1: value="crseudfs.cudfc1"