Returns summary information (listing of all codes) for a specified code field from Names or Registration for all registrants in a particular course.
Reporting Area(s) ​
Required Parameters ​
- Course # (i.e. cocrse, rgcrse, pycrse)
- Field from Names or Register table to return (i.e. "NMOCC", "RGTRACK"))
Optional Parameters ​
- Delimiter to place between values (i.e. "/",chr(9), chr(13) ). Default is a space.
- Logical: .t. returns description for code; .f. returns the code (Default).
- Condition to return value (i.e. "NMOCC='ACTOR'", "RGTRACK='NOSHOW'").
Example(s) ​
NCRPT(cocrse,"NMOCC") returns a list/count of occupation codes assigned to registrants in course.
NCRPT(cocrse,"NMOCC","",.f.,"NMOCC='ACTOR'") returns a count of all registrants in course who have the occupation code 'ACTOR'.