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Returns information from the original payment in refund reporting.

Reporting Area(s) ​


Required Parameters ​

  1. Receipt Number (pyrecnum)

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Logical .t. returns True if payment was a credit card, returns False if payment was not. .f. does not return T/F (default)
  2. Logical .t. display description of original payment type irrespective of parameter #2, .f. do not display (default)
  3. Field from Pay table to return (i.e. "pyamt", "pydate")

Example(s) ​

ORGPAY(pyrecnum) returns the pay type of the original payment (i.e. 2)

ORGPAY(pyrecnum,.t.) returns True if payment was by credit card, returns False if payment was cash, check or other

ORGPAY(pyrecnum, .f., .t.) returns description of payment type (i.e. Visa)

ORGPAY(pyrecnum,.f.,.f.,"pyamt") returns amount of original payment (i.e. 100)