CatLinkStatus ​
Determines how ACEweb handles prerequisit courses.
- 0 - No support for catalog links.
- 2 - Displays the Prerequisites/Related Courses links on the CourseStatus page for users to click and view prerequisites for a given course.
- 4 - Â Displays the Prerequisites/Related Courses links AND enforces prerequisites when enrolling. This option allows users to meet prerequisites by adding them to the enrollment card prior to adding the advanced course(s). However, Â the prerequisite course(s) must end before the advanced course(s) begins or the user will not be able to enroll in the advanced course(s).
- 5 -Same as 4, with the additional requirement that, if a course has multiple prerequisites, ALL of them must be met.
- 6 - Displays the Prerequisites/Related Courses links AND enforces prerequisites when enrolling. This option does not allow users to meet prerequisites by adding them to the Enrollment Cart with the advanced course(s).
- 7 - Same as 6, with the additional requirement that, if a course has multiple prerequisites, ALL of them must be met.
- 8 - Same as 4, except prerequisite course(s) can be open ended. No check will be made of their start or end dates - the user just needs to be enrolled, or have the course(s) on the cart.
- 9 - Same as 8, with the additional requirement that, if a course has multiple prerequisites, ALL of them must be met.