Returns pay for an instructor's specific teaching assignment.
Reporting Area(s) ​
Required Parameters ​
- Course # (licrse)
- Pay Type (lipaytype)
- Pay Rate (lipayrate)
- Hours Taught (lihours)
- Course Enrollment (coenrolled)
- Class Sessions (lisess)
Optional Parameters ​
- Pay Ref Percentage Amount (lipayref)
- Amount to be Deducted from Pay (lipydeduct)
- Miscellaneous Pay Amount (limiscpay)
Example(s) ​
PAYTOT(licrse,lipaytype,lipayrate,lihours,coenrolled,lisess) returns total paid for specific assignment (i.e. 150.00)
PAYTOT(licrse,lipaytype,lipayrate,lihours,coenrolled,lisess,lipayref,lipydeduct) returns total paid for specific assignment minus amount to be deducted from Pay (i.e. 110.00)
PAYTOT(licrse,lipaytype,lipayrate,lihours,coenrolled,lisess,lipayref,lipydeduct,limiscpay) returns total paid for specific assignment, including miscellaneous pay amount