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Determines whether the value of an expression lies between the values of two other expressions of the same data type.

Reporting Areas(s) ​


Required Parameters ​

  1. Field whose value BETWEEN( ) tests (i.e. nudfd1, rgcrsefee)
  2. Specifies the lower value in the range BETWEEN( ) evaluates (i.e. {01/01/2004}, 50.00)
  3. Specifies the upper value in the range BETWEEN( ) evaluates (i.e. {12/31/2004}, 75.00)

Optional Parameters ​


Example(s) ​

BETWEEN(nudfd1,{01/01/2004},{12/31/2004}) returns a .T. if nudfd1 is between 01/01/2004 and 12/31/2004

BETWEEN(rgcrsefee,50.00,75.00) returns a .T. if rgcrsefee is between 50.00 and 75.00

Notes ​

Standard FoxPro function

BETWEEN can be used in Justdoits to filter records, e.g.:

justdoit('select *,0 as marker from (cursor5) where BETWEEN(nudfd1,{01/01/2004},{12/31/2004}) into cursor(cursor5)')

returns only those records from the cursor where the date in nudfd1 is between 01/01/2004 and 12/31/2004.