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Making Payments ​

To add a payment to a registration:

  1. Click the Payments button.  The Payment screen opens:
  • If there are no payment records created for this registration yet, the Payment screen automatically opens in 'Add' mode ("Adding" appears in the top right of the Payments screen in Green. The No Payment Type Defined message will also be displayed because a payment type has yet to be selected.).  Continue to step 2.

  • If there are existing payment records, the Payment screen opens in 'Edit' mode  ("Editing" appears in the top right of the Payments screen in Yellow).  Click the Add button to make a new payment then continue to step 2.

  1. By default, the total amount due will be entered into the Payment Amount field.  If necessary, adjust this amount (e.g. if the individual is only making a partial payment).

  1. Select the appropriate Payment type from the drop down menu.

  1. When you select the payment type, the Payment Detail fields become available for you to enter payment details.

  1. Click the Save button to save the payment.  When you click this button, the payment record is created and the next available receipt number is assigned to it.

You can now print a receipt by clicking the Print Receipt and Close button.

Charge to Different Firm/Person ​

You can set a different Payer on the payment with these buttons:

  • Charge to Firm - replaces the Payer name and contact information with the Firm name and contact information on a Payment record.  Use it when the firm is paying for a registration instead of the individual.
  • Find Firm - if another firm is paying for the registration, click this button to the select the appropriate firm.  When you select the firm, the Payer name and contact information is replaced with information from the firm record.
  • Find Name - if another person is paying for the registration, click this button to select the appropriate name.  When you select the name, the Payer name and contact information is replaced with information from the name record.

If a 3rd party is paying for the registration, e.g. a person or firm that is not in your Names or Firms database, you can manually enter their information in the Payer details.

Clone Pay Detail ​

You can use the Clone Pay Detail button to paste the details of the last payment record you created into a new payment record.  When you click the button, the P.O.#, Payor Name, etc. from the last payment record created will be pasted into the appropriate fields on the new Payment record.

Billings ​

If you selected the 'Billing' Payment type in step 3, the "Invoice" label appears on the screen and the P.O. # field becomes available.

When you enter the appropriate billing information and click the Save button, the payment record is created but no Receipt Number is assigned.  This is because billing records are not actually payments and should not receive Receipt numbers.

You can assign an invoice number by clicking the Assign Invoice Num button. Or by running the Reports > Invoices > Run Invoices report with the Print New Invoices box checked.

Credit Cards ​

If you selected a credit card payment type in step 3:

  1. Click the Payment Gateway button.

  2. Your web browser (e.g. Chrome, Edge, or Firefox) will open and transfer you to the Payment Gateway's website to enter the credit card information.

  3. Once the card is validated, the ACEweb Payment Completed page opens with the status of the transaction. You can then close the browser window.

  4. If the credit card is valid, the Authorization # value is entered in the Auth Num field.

    If the credit card was declined, the payment is voided and the DECLINED notice is entered in the reason for VOID field:

  5. Click the Save button to save the credit card payment.