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Access Levels ​

The following is a list of actions a user can perform at each Access Level.

All Modules ​

These apply to Student Manager Modules: Names, Course, Instructor, Pay, Pocket Ledger, and Registration.

0No Access. Menu items and icons are not available to user
1View Records Only.
2Add Records Only.
3Add/Edit Records.
4Add/Edit Code Lists
5Delete Records*

*Minimum delete level can be changed by Student Manager Administrator.

Power Level ​

The user's Power Level is the lowest of Course, Names, Pay, Registration, Instructor, Pocket Ledger, and Report System.

These procedures require the stated Power Level:

3Backup Data (Tools > Backup)
4Update Counts (Tools > Update Counts)
5Pack/Reindex (Tools > Database Admin > Pack/Reindex)
Edit UDF Labels
6Add/Edit User Records
Edit Database Labels
Run Data Cleanup Tools

Names ​

These settings apply to the Names module, and some apply to the Firm module.

2Send Quick Email to Individual
(MUST also have level 2 access in E-mail)
3Add/Edit Zip Code records
4Print Waitlist Reports from Course Quick Reports
See unencrypted SSN in nmcode2 field
5Change Firm ID field on Firm records
(e.g. when combining Firms)
6Encrypt SSNs in NMCODE2
Mass Delete/Purge Names
Mass assign address/phone to all Firm Employees

Registration ​

3Assess Fee Adjustments
Transfer Registration
Run Invoice Reports
(MUST also have level 6 access in Financial Reports)
4Overbook Course
5Add Fee Adjustment Description on the fly
Override Membership Requirements
Assign Proxy to Registration
6Add Memberships on the fly
Edit Registration Fee Amount

Pay ​

3Assign Invoice Numbers when running Invoices
Enter custom Receipt Number when adding payments
4Edit Payment Type
5Set Up Payment Plan
6Edit Deposit Numbers
Edit Receipt Numbers
Edit Payment Date
Access Credit Card Management Tools
Void Invoice/Receipt

Course ​

2Clone Single Course (from course record)
3Add Location Records
Clone Location Records
Duplicate (Clone) a Course
4Cancel Course (from course record)
Lock Course (from course record)
Cancel Course (with Option to Refund)
Clone Room
5Mass Change/Update/Delete/Archive
6Mass Clone (Same Dates)
Mass Registration Transfer (crs -> crs)
Mass Delete

ACEweb ​

Determines staff access to Staff Web Access and ACEweb Administration procedures.

6Suspend/Resume Charging (Tools > Credit Card Management Menu)

Codes ​

3Access Course Proposals (Module > Catalog > Course Proposals)
(MUST also be a level 4 in Course)

Instructor Pay ​

3See Instructor Pay column in Courses Taught list

Instructor ​

4View/Edit Instructor Evaluation Fields (on Course Instructor tab)
View unencrypted ID
5Edit the Faculty System ID

Pocket Ledger ​

There are no access levels that affect Pocket Ledger.

Report System ​

1Access Demographic, Course, Faculty, and Registration Reports
2Access Workshop Reports
3Access Codes and Statistics Reports
4Modify Reports
Add/Edit Queries
5Edit Default Report
Activate/Deactivate Report
Add List Item when adding/editing queries
Delete Additional Report
Delete Queries
6Move/Rename Report

Email System ​

2Send Quick Email to Individual (Names)
Send Quick Email to Instructor
3Email Registration Confirmations
4Send Quick Email to Course
Send Quick Email to Canceled Students
Send Quick Email to Waitlisted Students
Email Roster to Instructor
Email Certificates Individually
Email Invoices Individually
Email Course Reminders
5Send Mass Emails

Financial Reports ​

3Access Budget Quick Reports
4Access Pocket Ledger Reports
5Access Accounting > Enrollment & Income, Income Detail, and Deadbeat reports
6Access Accounting > Cashbox, Daily Income reports
Access Invoice Reports