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Returns all or specified log records from the CRM table.

Reporting Area(s) ​

Names, Registrations

Required Parameters ​

  1. Name ID (i.e. nmid,rgid,pyid)

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Fields from CRM table to return (i.e. "crmtype", DTOC(crmdate) )
  2. Condition to return CRM records (i.e. "crmtype='E' ")
  3. Delimiter to place between CRM records (i.e. CHR(13) carriage return [default],CHR(9) tab)

Example(s) ​

LISTCRM(nmid) returns all individual's CRM log records.

LISTCRM(nmid,"crtype+CHR(9) + DTOC(crmdate)+CHR(9)+crmsubject") returns type, date, and subject of all individual's CRM log records.

LISTCRM(nmid,"",crmtype='E' ") returns all individual's Email Log records.