PostPayerInfo ​
For use with some payment services, to return credit card holder information (i.e. name, address, and phone). Supported services are listed below.
Values are entered in field:parameter format where the field is the name of the Student Manager Payment field and the parameter is the name of the parameter returned from the Payment service.
Student Manager payment field names are entered without the py prefix.
Payment service parameters ​ ​
Touchnet tLink ​
(TLink also returns acct_phone_night and acct_phone_mobile – you could use whichever one you thought would work best.)
Elavon ​
While the service provides a parameter for a given field there is no guarantee that an actual value will be returned. Generally most of those fields will not be required when shown on the card entry form, and if the payer chooses to leave them blank, there won't be anything to return.