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Registrar Only Mode ​

The Registrar Only mode allows you to restrict what registration data registrars can access when enrolling individuals in courses. To identify a user as a registrar only:

  1. Select Tools > Password Maintenance.
  2. Find and open the user's record.
  3. Check the Set to Registrar-Only Mode box.
  4. Click the Edit Preferences button to set the registration preferences for the user.
  5. When the Preferences screen opens, select the Register tab.
  6. Check the Use in Registrar Mode box on all fields you want the user to have access to on the Registration screen.
  7. If you want to also allow the user to access UDFs in Registrar Only mode, check the Use UDFs in Registrar Mode box in the lower-right of the Registration Preferences screen.
  8. Click the OK/Close button to save your changes, close the Preferences and return to the Password Maintenance screen.
  9. Click the OK/Close button to save your changes and close the Password Maintenance screen.