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ACEweb Cleanup Files Routine ​

You can set up ACEweb to automatically remove outdated log entries/files or you can manually run the cleanup routines.

Automatically Clean Up Files ​

The automatic clean up routine is implemented by adding a cleanup.ini file to the ACEweb program folder (e.g. c:\inetpub\aceweb). If you don't have a copy, contact your ACEware technician to obtain one.


Settings ​

The cleanup.ini has 3 settings, separated by colons (😃:

  • The first value is the number of days to go back. E.g. in the above example, ACEweb will remove entries/files older than 90 days.
  • The second value is how often to run the cleanup routine. E.g. in the above example, ACEweb will run the cleanup routine every 7 days.
  • The third value is when the cleanup routine was last run. In the above example it was run on July 22, 2020. So the next time it would run is July 29, 2020.

If necessary, you can edit the defaults in the cleanup.ini file. For example, if you want to remove entries/files older than 30 days, change the first value to 30:

Edit Cleanup.ini

Entries/Files Removed ​

The clean up tool will remove outdated records from these databases:

  • Daily Debug Log files (AWDBxxxxx.dbf/fpt/cdx/txt files)
  • Registration Log entries (awreglog)
  • Enrollment Session Log entries (awenroll)
  • Data Capture Log entries (awcustdata)
  • Workshop Log entries (awworkshop)
  • Exception Log entries (awexcept)
  • AW STORM Temporary Report files (xxxxxxxxxxxx.frx/frt files)
  • Temp Sub-directories for all interfaces (e.g. \wconnect\ace\temp)

If you also want to remove outdated records from the wwrequestlog and wwsession table, add the SESSION and REQLOG settings to the end of the cleanup.ini line, separated by :, e.g.


Manual Clean Up Entries/Files ​

You can manually clear out certain files with the Clean up System Files link on the ACEweb Administration Page page. This link opens the ACEweb Cleanup page with the following clean up options:

  • Erase Debug Files - Depending on the DebugFlag setting in ACEWEB.INI, some ACEweb operations will create entries in the debug log. A new log file is created each day, with the naming format AWDByymmdd. Current Debug files may be useful for tracking down problems, but once they are more than a few days old, it's unlikely they'll be of any use. This option will erase AW Debug files that are over 30 days old.
  • Erase Gateout Log Files - If the Gateout module is active, staff can make payments from Manager using a redirect online pay service. Logging of Gateout operations is triggered by the presence of a file named Gateout.log in the Extend folder. This option will erase Gateout log files that are over 30 days old. (It will not erase the basic Gateout.log file.)
  • Erase Temporary Template Files - The HTML Templates folder contains a TEMP subfolder which acts as a repository for disposable files created during various ACEweb operations. These may include email attachments or files for download. Ideally such files would be deleted at runtime, once they are no longer needed, but that may not always happen. Use this option to clean up outdated leftover temp files.
  • Erase Temporary WC Files - The Temp folder specified in Aceweb.INI and WC.INI should be self-cleaning but may accumulate outdated files, especially under File Mode.
  • Purge Temporary Enrollment Records - Each enrollment transaction adds one or more records to various ACEweb session table files. Once the user logs off, ACEweb no longer makes use of these records, though recent entries may prove helpful in certain troubleshooting situations.  This choice removes any records that are over 30 days old from the AWEnroll, AWWkshop, AWExcept, and AWRegLog tables, as well as records from AWCustData.
  • Purge WC Session Records - This option will remove any records that are over 30 days old from the WWSession.DBF file, which is used to store session information each time a user logs on to ACEweb. If not purged periodically, WWSession can grow quite large, taking up extra disk space and possibly slowing down operations.
  • Purge WC Hit Log - This option will remove any records that are over 30 days old from the WWRequestLog.DBF file, which logs each ACEweb hit, and also tracks error information. Again, while this information can be quite useful in the short term, its value diminishes over time.
  • All of the Above - This selection will erase Debug files, and clear Enrollment, Session, and Hit Log records as described above.
  • Activate Process Logging - IIf process logging is active, various initialization steps will be recorded during the File/COM launch routines, as well as when pages are loaded. Trace output will be directed to the file AWProcLog.txt in the main Aceweb folder. When logging is deactivated, results will be stored in ProcLog-Cache.txt, also in the main folder. (The most recent prior log file will be renamed to ProcLog-CacheBak.txt; anything older will be deleted.) Note: This feature is intended for diagnosting purposes only. Logging should be deactivated once troubleshooting has been completed to avoid bloating the log file.
  • Activate Special Logging - logs special routines. You should only activate if instructed to by your ACEware technician.
  • Delete Empty Name Records - Under certain conditions, ACEweb can create blank Name records which contain an ID but no other values. This routine will locate any such records and mark them for deletion.
  • Basic System Cleanup - Manually launch the process for removal of outdated files and records. This program can also be set to run automatically, based on the configuration set in CLEANUP.INI (see above).