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Course Type ​

The Course Type is an internal code identifying the type of course. Course behavior is determined by this code entry.

  • Hybrid - set up Hybrid courses where you have physical and virtual attendees.
  • Inventory - set up a course to sell and track inventory items (i.e. books, rooms, etc.).
  • Online - usually courses that are offered as virtual. You can enter Begin and End Dates or an Enrollment Open date.
  • Membership - set up a Membership course and expire out-dated memberships. You can enter Begin and End Dates or an Enrollment Open date.
  • Open - standard course option.
  • Pending - courses under development. Active box cannot be enabled, so they don't show in active enrollment lists.
  • Workshop - create Workshops for the course.
  • Contract - identifies courses as contract types.
  • Event - allow users to purchase multiple seats when enrolling via ACEweb.
  • Donation - allow online registrants to make Donations. You can enter Begin and End Dates or an Enrollment Open date.
  • Package1/Package2 (optional module) - for use with Course Packaging module.
  • Ind Study - similar to Online courses, adding the Enrollment Open field to the Course screen to set the date the course will be opened for enrollment.

You can set the default Course Type for all new courses on Course Preferences.

Enrollment Open ​

Available with the Online, Donation, Membership, and Ind Study types. It adds the Enrollment Open field to the Course screen to set the date the course will be opened for enrollment.

Enrollment Open Field

ACEweb users:  the course will not be appear in the Course listings or searches until the date specified.


You CANNOT enter a Begin Date AND the Enrollment Open date. You can only enter one or the other.