Returns formatted phone number for US names and unformatted number for International names.
Reporting Area(s) ​
Names, Instructor
Required Parameters ​
- Phone number field (nmdphone, nmhphone, nmdphone)
- Country field (nmcntry)
Optional Parameters ​
- Character return value: text label for phone field (i.e. "Home: " or "Wk: ", or "Fax: ")
- Character return value: suffix added to all international phone numbers (i.e. "Int'l")
Example(s) ​
INTLPHON(nmdphone,nmcntry) returns number formatted for US for US, Canada, and Puerto Rico [i.e. (555) 555-5555]. Returns unformatted number for other countries (i.e. 5555555555)
INTLPHON(nmdphone,nmcntry,"Day: ") returns number and label [i.e. Day Phone: (555) 555-5555--US/Canada; Day: 5555555555-International]
INTLPHON(nmdphone,nmcntry,"Day: ","Int'l") returns number, label, and suffix if phone is international [i.e. Day: (555) 555-5555--US/Canada; Day: 5555555555 Int'l-International]