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Returns location information for courses --IF-- the Print on Rcpt box is checked on the Course record.

Reporting Area(s) ​

Courses, Registrations

Required Parameters ​

  1. Course # (i.e. cocrse, rgcrse, pycrse)

Optional Parameters ​

  1. Logical .t. returns the location info, .f. (default) only returns location
  2. Character Display Label: if using Split Location option, places label in front of room (i.e. "Room: " returns Room: 212)
  3. Delimiter to place between location and location information (i.e. [" "], ["-"], CHR(13) Carriage return default)

Example(s) ​

NICELOC(rgcrse) returns location name

NICELOC(rgcrse,.t.) returns location name and location information

NICELOC(rgcrse,.f.,"Room: ") returns location name, label "Room:", and room (i.e. Nebraska Center, Room: 212)

NICELOC(rgcrse,.f.,"Room: ", ["-"]) returns location name, label and room, and location information separated by a hyphen '-'