Instructor Access ​
Organizations can allow Instructors online access to:
- View course information
- View/print rosters and attendance sheets
- Email students
- *Record session attendance
- Record hours/credits/grades
- Submit Course Proposals
- Edit Instructor Profile
Logon Credentials ​
Instructor ID and password is the only logon option available for Instructors. This is a security feature that allows you to determine which instructors can access rosters (e.g. if they don't have their ID #, they will not be able to login). You can also restrict access to active instructors only with the OnlyActiveInstruct INI setting.
Access Levels ​
You can determine what access an instructor will have with the *ACEweb Access Level- on the Faculty screen. If you want instructors to be able to email students, you must also check the View Student Email box on their record.
Access Level options:
- 0 - No Access
- 1 - View Course Information Only
- 2 - View Rosters
- 3 - View Rosters, Edit Hours
- 4 - View Rosters, Edit Hours, Grade, *Track Attendance
- 5 - View Rosters, Edit Hours, Grade, Credits, *Track Attendance
These are for the Super Instructor option:
- 6 - Super Instructor - View Rosters for all Instructors
- 7 - Super Instructor - View Rosters, Edit Hours for all Instructors
- 8 - Super Instructor - View Rosters, Edit Hours, Grade for all Instructors, *Track Attendance
- 9 - Super Instructor - View Rosters, Edit Hours, Grade, Credits for all Instructors, *Track Attendance
*Requires the optional Attendance Tracking module.
*Attendance Tracking is an optional module.