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Re-printing Invoices ​

You have two options to re-print an invoice after an invoice number has been assigned:

Reports Menu ​

  1. Select Reports > Invoices > Run invoices.
  2. On the Report Options screen, un-check the Print New Invoices box.
  3. Select the other applicable print options (i.e. sort order, additional, etc.).
  4. Click the OK button.
  5. Run the appropriate query (e.g. Invoice Number contains, Payer is, etc.).

The Print Preview will now open for you to print the invoice.

Invoice Payment Screen ​

  1. Select Module > Invoices > Outstanding Invoices.
  2. Select the appropriate Invoice from the Select Invoice window.
  3. When the Invoice Payment screen opens, click the View Invoice Details button to open the Invoice Detail screen.
  4. Select the appropriate options (Default Report, Additional Reports, Modify Report).
  5. Click the Print Invoice button.
  6. Close the Report Preview window.
  7. Click Yes on the Send to Printer dialog box.