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Other INI Files ​

There are other INI files that can be edited from the INI Editor page.

AWINI.ini ​

The AWINI.ini is located in the inetpub\aceweb folder and lists files that can be edited via the INI Editor. Files are listed in the Extras setting.

AWINI.ini File

Files can be added to the AWINI.ini file, separated by spaces. If they are not in the inetpub folder, you will need to precede them with the specified path:

:HTMLPATH\ - Templates folder, e.g. wconnect\ace folder. For example, add QuickPick files so they can be edited via the INI Editor. :EXTEND\ - gateout folder, e.g. manager8\extend folder. For example, add the gateout.ini file to be able to edit it via the INI Editor.

AWSys.ini ​

The awSys.ini hold some custom settings, alternate interface settings, and pay service settings.

AWSys.ini File


This file should not be edited unless directed to by your ACEweb technician.