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Cloning Name Records ​

Cloning a Name record is the quick and easy way to copy information from one record and paste it into a different one. It's useful when adding family member records or updating addresses.

Clone Name Record Information ​

To clone a Name record:

  1. Open the individual's Name record.
  2. Select Edit > Clone Name or use the shortcut key ALT+W.

Paste Name Record Information ​

  • Paste into NEW Name Record:
  1. Click the Add button to create a new record.
  2. Select Edit > Paste Name or use the shortcut key ALT+V.
  3. Enter the other Name information (i.e. first name, etc.).
  4. Click the Save button to save the new Name record.
  • Paste into EXISTING Name Record:
  1. Click the Find button and select the record.
  2. Select Edit > Paste Name or use the shortcut key ALT+V.
  3. Confirm that you want to overwrite the existing information with the information from the cloned record by clicking Yes on the Overwrite Current Address window.
  4. Click the Save button to save the changes to the Name record.

Speed Saving Tip

Name information is automatically copied when you save any name record, which can then be pasted using ALT+V to a new or existing (to overwrite) name record.

Information Pasted

Last Name (NEW records only), Address Lines 1 and 2, City, State, Zip Code, Phone Numbers, the Domain of the Email Address (e.g., Fee Category, Source Code, Organization Code.

Name Grouping

NEW and EXISTING records are added to the cloned name record's Name Group.